Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Roland JX3P kbd. synthesizer.

SOME people are total masters of this unique instrument, programming it (even "on the fly") with the
highly sought-after PG-200 Programmer. I've owned four JX3P's, never tried to own a PG-200. I declare myself a master of this instrument using just the factory voices and some programmed by a previous owner. I just LUV the way its controls are laid out! ~ Roland JX3P and Yamaha PS-55 are,
and will remain, my STAGE keyboards. I own a Hammond drawbar organ (my home kbd.), and have recorded
with my Yamaha DX-21, a Hammond CV, an A-100 and an M
and yes, Virginia, I DO play my JX3P thru a Leslie -- hear it in "The Soul Instigators" and "Van
Leer-the-band". ~ Happy Holidays to all. Be safe. Be well. ~ To learn MUCH
about Roland JX3P, pls view www(dot)vintagesynthexplorer(dot)com -- klik on Roland, then scroll down
to, then klik on, JX3P. Mfd. betw' 1983-1985, they're still in demand!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Here 'tis: my marvellous Jillard "Lee Van Leer Custom" guitar.

Jillard Lee Van Leer Custom guitar w/ hard shell case. ~~ I'll probably PLAY it at the Jimmy Kennedy Benefit -- [date not set as yet.] It's my "dream gtr." at last -- total cost around $600 CAD. DO visit -- Jason Jillard only charged me about $330 for this hard maple
neck. Mike Spicer & others w'd have charged $450 or more, and taken '4ever' to complete one. ~~ I
AM CONTENT. ~ BTW, this gtr. & all Jillard instruments and all those crafted since mine have STAINLESS STEEL FRETS -- EXCELLENT!! ~ Thank you for viewing these posts!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
"Where I come from", said Lee Roy Barker,
"Beaufort Beauchamp is pronounced BYUFERD BEECHUM." "BB's my uncle and he plays guitar better 'n you, but only on the weekends". [as told to me by L.R. Barker of Blytheville, Arkansas.]
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Some people taunt & try to tempt me w/ free booze. I thank them & politely refuse.
I didn't join AA or any program, I just STOPPED. I DON'T MISS the imported beer or the red wine or
ANY alcoholic beverages.~~ BTW, (for those who don,t know me,) I was NEVER a steady boozer, just a sort-of mini-binge-er. ~~ Regardless of YOUR relationship (or none) w/ 'self-medication' I say,
Be safe. Be well. Be wired to love,laughter, MUSIC!, Sex w/ the right person, of course, even if that person is yourself, LOL.
I didn't join AA or any program, I just STOPPED. I DON'T MISS the imported beer or the red wine or
ANY alcoholic beverages.~~ BTW, (for those who don,t know me,) I was NEVER a steady boozer, just a sort-of mini-binge-er. ~~ Regardless of YOUR relationship (or none) w/ 'self-medication' I say,
Be safe. Be well. Be wired to love,laughter, MUSIC!, Sex w/ the right person, of course, even if that person is yourself, LOL.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Post-Aug.24 storm: I'm alive & unharmed.
Our bldg. in M1L SW Scarb' was treated very gently by the 'volatile weather'.
My family in N. Oakville also safe & sound. [Thank you, Great Spirit.] ~~ To all of you reading this, BE SAFE, BE WELL.
My family in N. Oakville also safe & sound. [Thank you, Great Spirit.] ~~ To all of you reading this, BE SAFE, BE WELL.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
On Sat., Aug. 13th issue #1 of TALES FROM THE CRYPTOGRAPHER will hit (hot dog and lemonade) stands
nationwide (in my mind.) Each issue will contain eerie tales by and about code-makers and code-breakers, with
outstanding artwork executed in invisible ink, Decode THAT, cryptofans! ~ In the words of Des
Yggdrasil, our Senior Editor, "FFit oblac tem ooy parahhj ecoy burtis sahla noom foy e2gg."
nationwide (in my mind.) Each issue will contain eerie tales by and about code-makers and code-breakers, with
outstanding artwork executed in invisible ink, Decode THAT, cryptofans! ~ In the words of Des
Yggdrasil, our Senior Editor, "FFit oblac tem ooy parahhj ecoy burtis sahla noom foy e2gg."
Thursday, July 21, 2011
RE: Band name change from "The Danforth Project"
In July 2011 "The Danforth Project" officially changed our name to THE SOUL INSTIGATORS. We played
our first gig under that name on Sunday Aug. 7th at a private party celebrating a 50th birthday AND
a 29th wedding anniversary, ~ The event was staged outdoors w/ the band performing on a deck/stage approx. 1M above ground level. ~ The set was well received by those in attendance. Van Leer-the-band
was supposed to play a set also, but a great RAIN began to fall, so the band gear was quickly
covered w/ tarpaulins and the party moved indoors. ~ The overall good vibe was bolstered by the ample presence of great food -- a FINE day despite the weather!
our first gig under that name on Sunday Aug. 7th at a private party celebrating a 50th birthday AND
a 29th wedding anniversary, ~ The event was staged outdoors w/ the band performing on a deck/stage approx. 1M above ground level. ~ The set was well received by those in attendance. Van Leer-the-band
was supposed to play a set also, but a great RAIN began to fall, so the band gear was quickly
covered w/ tarpaulins and the party moved indoors. ~ The overall good vibe was bolstered by the ample presence of great food -- a FINE day despite the weather!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
June 30th @ Brigadoon was GREAT FUN!
Now please follow us to the Canadian Legion Branch 2 blox N. of St. Clair on the W. side of Victoria Park Ave. ~ R U Red-E Turoq? ~ Band starts at 5:40 p.m. C U there!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
CRUCIAL UPDATE! The Danforth Project has TERMINATED its Thurs. evg. Events... Danny Green's Billiards & Bar, 1218 Danforth Ave., 2nd floor, and we're NOT
looking to stage a Thurs. Event ANYWHERE ELSE. Sorry, friends, fans, followers and
musical guests. ~ We thank y'all for your support and participation. ~~~~ Please carefully read the 5-23-11 Lee's Blog post RE: our search for a venue in which to
stage a weekly Sunday matinee Open Mic/Jam/Band Showcase. ~ Have a great Summer and a great life, everyone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: the attached pic shows our last (upgraded) Leslie 4sale... asking $400 CAD. GTA pick-up ONLY.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
I dedicate this post to musician and recording engineer James Anderson.

original Operators Manual. JX has some scratches on it (but no dents!) and is in proper working order.
~~ Best wishes also Jeff McMurrich and all @ '6 Nass', and @ 'Lettuce Knit'. === I'm also buying or trading items for Yamaha PS-55, PS-35 and PC-1000 portable keyboards B4 severe storms destroy 'em. These Yamahas r NOT collectible. They're worth $75 CAD ea. in work'g order. Thanks for reading all this.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
'59 Buick lands ON EARTH, IN AMERICA...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Here 'tis: my marvellous Jillard "Lee Van Leer Custom" guitar.

Jillard Lee Van Leer Custom guitar w/ hard shell case. ~~ I'll probably PLAY it at the Jimmy Kennedy Benefit -- [date not set as yet.] It's my "dream gtr." at last -- total cost around $600 CAD. DO visit -- Jason Jillard only charged me about $330 for this hard maple
neck. Mike Spicer & others w'd have charged $450 or more, and taken '4ever' to complete one. ~~ I
Monday, March 28, 2011
Wed. Mar. 23 party was XLENT.
Several joyous reunions, + I made a new friend, film & video editor Eamonn O'Connor.
Next topic: My custom gtr. #1 from is ALMOST READY & could/should be in my hands April 5th, Jason Jillard's birthday. ~ Pls. enjoy the attached pic -- 24 1/2" scale slender neck, over-width @ nut, dazzling in its whiteness! ~ SBe well, friends, fans & followers!
Wed. Mar.23 party was XLENT!!
Several joyous reunions, + made a new friend , Editor Eamonn O'Connor. Xcuse me as I
make a wild topical jump to and the latest pic of my "almost
ready" Jillard gtr. #1. It could/should be in my hands on or soon after Jason Jillard's birthday, April 5th. ~~ "Be well, my friends, fans & followers!", said Lee.
make a wild topical jump to and the latest pic of my "almost
ready" Jillard gtr. #1. It could/should be in my hands on or soon after Jason Jillard's birthday, April 5th. ~~ "Be well, my friends, fans & followers!", said Lee.
look at the pic. 1-of-a-kind gtr.,
suited2 ME.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wed. Mar. 22 from 8ish p.m. Where I'll be:
The Wrap Party for the 3 1-hour episode mini-series on Bravo Channel -- 2nite's the final episode @ 10 p.m. It started Mon. Mar. 21 -- Its title: "Yonge Street: Toronto Rock & Roll Stories" & I'm a participant, as was John Kay, David Wilcox,
John Finley, Bobby Dean Blackburn, Richie York, & no doubt others ~ I'm just rushing
now to pkg. 5 copies of the "Van Leer" CD "Thumbs Up", then brave the snow to getto the event. ~ I hope not to stay late as I have MUCH going on in my life lately.
I will try to post a follow-up soon. Be well, friends, fans & followers! ~ I must quickly 'phone family & remind them to watch. ~ Post 2U later . Lee
John Finley, Bobby Dean Blackburn, Richie York, & no doubt others ~ I'm just rushing
now to pkg. 5 copies of the "Van Leer" CD "Thumbs Up", then brave the snow to getto the event. ~ I hope not to stay late as I have MUCH going on in my life lately.
I will try to post a follow-up soon. Be well, friends, fans & followers! ~ I must quickly 'phone family & remind them to watch. ~ Post 2U later . Lee
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lee VanLeer and Sherri Rhodes? Hmm... Uh, sorry, waay off-topic there! ~ Lee Van Leer
and Gord "Wayne" Munzy play Lado & Jillard gutars & basses on-stage exclusively. PLEASE visit: We also endorse Belltone strings, forsaking even our former love, GHS Boomers. Belltones are made in the U.S.A. but NOT in the Squier factory. Stringtreat helps the strings hold their clarity of tone longer, inhibiting rust. No, Stringtreat is NOT an oil! DO visit,
ditto Stringtreat. R u viewing the pics? Good!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fine! FUN!
Fri. Feb. 28 exemplified how enjoyable weekend musical Events are at Danny Green's
Billiards & Bar. ~ In addition to my descr' in the previous post, let me say that
despite the members of "Jo Rockhead" having come from their day jobs, they put on a
show that was visually as well as audibly energetic, and NO, these were seasoned
veterans, not under-30's. ~ Fine lead vocals from guitarist Tony Oldland proved that "Jo R." isn't a "univox" entity, as Tony & Joanna complemented one another with
right-on! vocal harmonies. ~ Andy Ray Fong played most of the guitar leads and, well,
GollyWao!! ~ Bassist Keith Kayel posed, danced & POGO'D right through to the 2-song
encore, and younger bro Dave hit the kit right 'n' tight! I conclude "Ooh, what a
night! ======MOST SPECIAL PRAISE HERE to our hostess Maureen for, well, everything!
including MMMM! chicken & fresh salad veggies & tomatoes on a whole wheat pita --
NOT your typical greasy pub fare, though "fried stuff" is often available, too. Let
me sing "I Thank You"======
Billiards & Bar. ~ In addition to my descr' in the previous post, let me say that
despite the members of "Jo Rockhead" having come from their day jobs, they put on a
show that was visually as well as audibly energetic, and NO, these were seasoned
veterans, not under-30's. ~ Fine lead vocals from guitarist Tony Oldland proved that "Jo R." isn't a "univox" entity, as Tony & Joanna complemented one another with
right-on! vocal harmonies. ~ Andy Ray Fong played most of the guitar leads and, well,
GollyWao!! ~ Bassist Keith Kayel posed, danced & POGO'D right through to the 2-song
encore, and younger bro Dave hit the kit right 'n' tight! I conclude "Ooh, what a
night! ======MOST SPECIAL PRAISE HERE to our hostess Maureen for, well, everything!
including MMMM! chicken & fresh salad veggies & tomatoes on a whole wheat pita --
NOT your typical greasy pub fare, though "fried stuff" is often available, too. Let
me sing "I Thank You"======
Monday, January 17, 2011
Here we've posted pics relevant to the SUPER-LONG Blog entry which follows.

Big smiles to: Mr. Jackie of 'Jackie & Jacqui', my fellow band members (and their families) "The Soul Instigators", "The Hinges" & "Van Leer" -- Haley & her mom, "The Newsboys" [Garry O'Keefe & John Wilks], Steve Martino & his lady, Margaret N., Stan Endersby and "most special" Sherri Rhodes.
Mon. 2011-01-17: The longest Blog entry I've EVER posted.
Despite technical difficulties (electronic), and ld gtr & drumr having bn unable to
rehearse several of our unique new musical arrangements, Van Leer-the-band delighted
our followers and made new fans. ~ We got to see/hear all bands xcept the one preceeding us, and EVERY act, including of course the solo set of my longtime friend
Danny Marks, (orig. guitarist of hit recording group Edward Bear, and host of "BluzFM" on 91.1 JazzFM Saturdays 8-to midn't) was of absolute top-flight professional calibre. I was particulary impressed! by "Us", the only band doing a set of 100% original material, and by their dynamic frontwoman/lyricist Marlene. Chk them out online &, better yet, LIVE! ~ BIG ups to: Greg, the house sound tech of the
Birchmount Tavern / ALL members of "The Hinges" particularly guitarist/vocalist Mikey, who aside from ably replacing our 2010 guitarists worked with Coll Audio to
provide a SUPERB backline of Yamaha drum kit, Marshall JMP 2000 1/2-stacks, Orange bass rig and classic late '60s Fender Twin Reverb amp, all in topflite condition...
and SO MUCH MORE that he deserves a separate post (coming later this month, friends)
also drummer John W, replacing Jimmy Cannon & Gordie Grills and others in our 'revolving door' of Van Leer drummers. ~ SPECIAL CATEGORY HERE to praise 1)
bassist-guitarist/b.u. vox/road crew member and dear friend Gord "Wayne" Munzy, and
2)another friend, 2nd vocalist,
percussionist, crew member-when-required and all-'round SHOWMAN Pete Aube'. ~ You who frequent or follow this Blog (and the VanLeer website o'all) will know of our
other musical connection "The Danforth Project" ~ Folks, Wayne & Pete work
HARD. BTW, their wives & immed. families (those whom I've met) are cool, too!
rehearse several of our unique new musical arrangements, Van Leer-the-band delighted
our followers and made new fans. ~ We got to see/hear all bands xcept the one preceeding us, and EVERY act, including of course the solo set of my longtime friend
Danny Marks, (orig. guitarist of hit recording group Edward Bear, and host of "BluzFM" on 91.1 JazzFM Saturdays 8-to midn't) was of absolute top-flight professional calibre. I was particulary impressed! by "Us", the only band doing a set of 100% original material, and by their dynamic frontwoman/lyricist Marlene. Chk them out online &, better yet, LIVE! ~ BIG ups to: Greg, the house sound tech of the
Birchmount Tavern / ALL members of "The Hinges" particularly guitarist/vocalist Mikey, who aside from ably replacing our 2010 guitarists worked with Coll Audio to
provide a SUPERB backline of Yamaha drum kit, Marshall JMP 2000 1/2-stacks, Orange bass rig and classic late '60s Fender Twin Reverb amp, all in topflite condition...
and SO MUCH MORE that he deserves a separate post (coming later this month, friends)
also drummer John W, replacing Jimmy Cannon & Gordie Grills and others in our 'revolving door' of Van Leer drummers. ~ SPECIAL CATEGORY HERE to praise 1)
bassist-guitarist/b.u. vox/road crew member and dear friend Gord "Wayne" Munzy, and
2)another friend, 2nd vocalist,
percussionist, crew member-when-required and all-'round SHOWMAN Pete Aube'. ~ You who frequent or follow this Blog (and the VanLeer website o'all) will know of our
other musical connection "The Danforth Project" ~ Folks, Wayne & Pete work
HARD. BTW, their wives & immed. families (those whom I've met) are cool, too!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Some folks wanted 2C the "white Leslie": here 'tis!
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