"As Good A Year As You Need It To Be". ~~~ DO try to attend Soul Instigators'
weekly Wednesday Showcase/Open Stage @ Melange (starting JAN. 7th 2015 at
SIX p.m.) ~ It'll continue EVERY Wednesday 'til the end of March 2015. ~ Help keep Live Music alive: Bring or send friends & family. ~~~ Please scroll down
to the White Rectangle elsewhere on this website for details, thank you. ~ I
hope to see YOU there! ~ Be safe. Be well. (signed) Lee Van Leer.

Darn! I wanted the BAND pic to be @ the top of the "pic pile", but... ANYWAY,
that's founder-leader "Scar-Bro Pete" up front, Wayne Munzy on bass and Yours
Truly on organ and vocals. ~ Yes, there are always (at least) five of us, but the
only pic that I have "handy" shows three of us. ~ I'll try to rectify that in a newer post. ~~~ L. Van L.
Temple Bar (on Cass) is where we go in Detroit.