venue, U are finally "doing RIGHT" by the musical performers who commit to your "Special Events" such as last night's !superb! Hallowe'en Party. The Ca$h
Guarantee that I'd promised to pay the members of "Lee Van Leer's WARP DRIVE KITTENS" and "Martin and Cain" trio out of my own pocket was covered
!hours in advance! by LeRoy, as was most of the $$ that I shelled out to help
the venue "function better", IMO, and to keep the performers and my personal guests refreshed with vessels of H2O and cans of Club Soda. ~~~~ "Big Ups"
here to Karen Lee Wilde/Wylde for her thorough cleaning of 163 Main St. and prepping the venue for the Event , including supplying and installing stage backdrop lighting in ideal Hallowe'en orange! ~ Karen also treated us to a
fine "after party" set of her fine music with audience participation incl. some
Surprise Guests. ~~~~ THE SUNDAY ALL-AGES JAM/Open Stage @ Your Ward News continues !most joyfully! (starting sometimes at THREE pm, not always 2 pm as advertised). ~ Re-MEM-buh!, these Sunday All-Ages thangs can also be a place to "Showcase" duos and bands! (All vocal styles welcome EXCEPT "SCREAMO"!!) ~~ Readers n Followers DO PLEASE JOIN US!

Fwd'd thru LVL a Comment from Daryl Blackhorse
ReplyDelete;One of "my network" of fellow music lovers sent me the Hallowe'en Party audio & visuals from Bonnie Memphis duo from her ReallySmartPhone and I have to say that Bonnie Memphis duo and Lee Van Leer's Warp Drive Kittens REALLY engaged and delighted their audience. 'T'ain't the first time that warmup acts
have stolen the show! When I'm finally back in the T-dot
I hope I'll be able to catch a Warp Drive Kittens set LIVE! Free The Music! D. B.
Lee here: I think that D. B. forgot to include the word "on" after "Bonnie Memphis duo, but you obv' get his drift, right? ~ C U at Your Ward News' Sunday All-Ages Jams!