Friday, April 25, 2014

Time Well Wasted:

1) "Properly Silly" quoits variant:
The quoits thrown shall be toilet seats, 'full round', NOT open front.
Players using traditional WOODEN seats/quoits will rcv. one extra point for each successful throw. "Hob" or target (pole) shall be a parking meter and players must stand 21' from the Hob.
  Properly Silly  quoits shall be played at a time of day when NO CARS are parked at the nearest two hobs (parking meters).
  Scoring: encircle hob w/ quoit: 4 points.
                 "leaner": 3 points
                 closest to the hob: 1 point, ONLY if there are no encircles or
                 leaners during a round.
                 Having sexual intercourse (vaginal penetration) with an opposing
player's partner or companion: twenty points.
  Properly silly! Let's go play!