Sunday, November 15, 2015

Saturday, Dec. 19th @ "Your Ward News", 163 Main St. will boast 3 B's::

BOSS, BITCHIN' and BYOO-TAYY! ~ We're talkin' 'bout the 22nd Annual Beaches Christmas Blues Fest here, whose two 'top-shelf' featured acts will play the Blues, PLUS Classic R&B, rock, roll, gospel, and, and... well, U should just come on out to SEE & HEAR. Details are elsewhere on this website. ~ How can U not be captifriknvated by the Bonnie Memphis duo, followed by !50! minutes of the 
Party Music and Soul Ballad-ry of The Lee Van Leer Show? And then, an Open Jam 'til 10:53 p.m. ~ R U Red-E Turoq and BE rocked? Well, just c'mon over!
and remember, all musical Events at Your Ward News are All-Ages -- no alcohol
is served. Your 14-yr.-old guitar prodigy can join us, + your grand-daughter, too, Mr. & Mrs. Boomer! :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So many abandoned mansions, so little money!

  3. D'Ogz on D'Moon gasping for air: STOP! SIT! Good boy! Now just slow down, breathe DEEPly, like THIS! <> Mars (TM)
    has an atmosphere! Nougat (izzat caramel?) with nut chunks enrobed w/ either milk or dark choklit -- Oh, wait! That's called a Mars BAR, right?
    <>Happy Holly Daze, y'all!<>

  4. Out there in the woods, there are THINGS.
