At least 70 people came to Wild Wing 'Beaches', some loyal followers, + we made some NEW fans and friends. Venue mgmt. wants us back SATURDAY, JUNE 28th, so keep watching here AND in the "white rectangle" for "specifics".
Wherezit?, why, 10 doors East of Beech Ave. (in the same block as the Fox Theatre.)
A very diverse menu, thank goodness! (Not just '50 flavours of chicken wings'.) ~~ Washroom access? Basement, but friendly and courteous
servers Christina and Alissa assured me that my friend who's presently
using a "walker" will be assisted by one of them down and up the stairs. ~~
PARKING regulations and restrictions are as follows:
The 2250 block of Queen E. (between Beech and Willow Aves.) is pay-to-park (the 'show your Receipt Tkt. on the dashboard' bit) EVEN on
Sats. 8 am to 9 pm, [Sundays 1 pm to 9 pm] ~ $2.25 per hour, 3 hour max.,
and I've been informed that parking is frequently monitored and RIGIDLY ENFORCED!! ~ Parking on Willow Ave. is by Permit only at all times, whereas
on Beech Ave. parking is 'open' until the 12:01 a.m midnight 'til 9:00 am
period. The streets running South of Queen (to the lake) I haven't chk'd, but
suspect a lot of "by Permit only" ~~ NOW let's tell u of the
HAPPY STUFF: the musical Event details! This was another Beaches Blues Fest and Danforth Music Festival "Spring Fling" so there were
five fine Ontario bands offering blues, blues-rock and mid-60s-style
R & B , including original material. This is PARTY MUSIC! ~~ While the advertised "start time" was 8 pm, there was even a band playing from 6:45 p.m. ~~
Van Leer-the-band took the stage starting at
9:15 pm for a full eleven-song set, as promised. ~~ BTW, on June 1st I
enjoyed a delicious! meal and courteous, personable service from server Christina, and on gig night , another delicious meal right after our performance. ~~ Despite the logistical (parking) awkwardness and the fact that I had to set up on the 'wrong' side of the stage, I look forward
to playing Wild Wing 'Beaches' again (on Sat. June 28th. ~~ Yours In Music, Lee Van Leer.