Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 A.D. approaches on swift wings.

To everyone reading this post, I hope that 2015 will be...
 "As Good A Year As You Need It To Be".  ~~~  DO try to attend Soul Instigators'
weekly Wednesday Showcase/Open Stage @ Melange (starting JAN. 7th 2015 at
SIX p.m.) ~ It'll continue EVERY Wednesday 'til the end of March 2015. ~ Help keep Live Music alive: Bring or send friends & family.  ~~~  Please scroll down
to the White Rectangle elsewhere on this website for details, thank you.  ~  I
hope to see YOU there!  ~ Be safe. Be well.  (signed)  Lee Van Leer.

Darn! I wanted the BAND pic to be @ the top of the "pic pile", but...  ANYWAY,
that's founder-leader "Scar-Bro Pete" up front, Wayne Munzy on bass and Yours
Truly on organ and vocals. ~ Yes, there are always (at least) five of us, but the
only pic that I have "handy" shows three of us. ~ I'll try to rectify that in a newer post.  ~~~  L. Van L.

Friday, November 28, 2014

It hapnd and IT WAS GOOD! 2014-12-19 @ Hirut Restaurant and Cafe'

 If you attended this Most Special Event, thank you! ~ The FIVE BANDS 'KICKED BUTT'! The club was full, but thinned out after Soul Instigators, but the loyal fans & followers of Lee Van Leer's Fab Grablins remained, and their "pet band" DID NOT DISAPPOINT. An encore was called for, and Lee chose his vocal and organ showpiece "Drown In My Own Tears" which met with the expected
waay enthusiastic audience response.  <><><>  Overall REVIEW:  Bonnie Elvis and Johnny Jensen chose the opening slot. Thanks to Scar-Bro Pete's big p.a. and
Bonnie's condenser microphone, the Bonnie Elvis Show sounded BIG and, as always, exceedingly FINE. ~ Though a gremlin crept into the sound board, The (new) Cain Gang asserted themselves with a pleasingly versatile set. ~ Next up were Malcolm Martin's Automatic Slim who were, as expected, the loudest band of the evening and 'blew us all away' with tight, interesting arrangements and a flash guitarist "Bill". Though Bill didn't sing, Malcolm and drummer Don handled
their vocal duties just great! ~  Soul Instigators are enjoying their Best Sound Ever with new guitarist Brian Picker. Scar-Bro Pete displayed his usual top-flite stage presence and, sensibly, the band now plays at a somewhat reduced (just right!) volume level than their previous lineups. ~ TWO drummers were utilized (but NOT simultaneously), superb singing drummer Wayne Orgill alternating with !capable! Zoey Scott.  ~ Vocalist Bridget Taylor was superb as always, singing with both Soul Instigators and LVLFG.  <><><>   Ongoing Event BULLETIN!: Scar-Bro Pete
will host a WEDNESDAY evening thang from SIX p.m. 'til 11 p.m. at Melange, 172 Main St. @ Gerrard St. E., opposite the Ted Reeve Arena.  A detailed description of what to expect appears in the "white rectangle" elsewhere on this website. ~ Happy Holidays to y'all!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dark Chocolate pizza!

No tomatoes were harmed during the making thereof.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Square grand pianos

In the 1800s, MANY square grand pianos were manufactured in America, often with cases made entirely of Brazilian rosewood. Between pianos and guitar fretboards and, no doubt, other luxury furniture, it's no wonder this tree became nearly extinct.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Today, Oct.6th, my Birthday.

I played my modded Fender Squier Mustang gtr. for about 25 min., and  despite my arthritis, I PLAYED WELL. It's great to have good tools at one's disposal!
  See you Hallowe'en @ Wild Wing "Beaches", 2252 Queen St. E. near Willow Ave.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

If you didn't attend the Sat. Oct. 4th Event @ Wild Wing "Beaches", you missed a great one!

About 40 partiers had a great time listening and dancing to Three !HOT!
regional bands. YOU should have been there! ~ U must TRY to make it to The Hallowe'en Party -- It's gonna be a real good'un!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

SOME of the items I have FOR SALE 2014-09.

Jillard "Lee Van Leer Custom" elec. gtr. w/ h.s. case. ~ BIG PRICE DROP (from $500) to $329 CAD. (Final FIRM price)
Please see Craigslist Toronto (music instruments - for sale by owner).
Ad #4692526813. Really MUST SELL to help pay down large recording studio debt.

Quality JEANS and other pants, 40" and 42" waist incl. Wrangler, Eddie Bauer,
Dockers, ++. Most in quite good cond. ~ FINAL BARGAIN PRICE: $3.00 per
pair, FOUR pairs for $10. ~ Colors: black, blue, sand.

GFS Alnico "Fat Pat" humbucker gtr. pickup. ~ Reads 14K. ~ Tightly wound and wax potted ~ As-new cond. in factory carton w/ instructions, ~ New price was $29.95 USD + shipping.  I'm asking $20 CAD.

 ~  BTW, items are sold
cash-in-hand as-is, where-is -- I DO NOT SHIP.  ~~   Thank you for viewing this post.

FINALLY I have the pic of my current CD 'front insert' on thisBlog.

Bulletin! There'll be NO multi-band "Fest" 'til Sept. 27 or Oct.. 4th, 2014

I'm REALLY ENJOYING the REST from live gigging and, TFN, I'll do live gigs only VERY SELECTIVELY!  ~~  'Tis the time of year when I book lotsa medical, dental & biz appointments AND will really savor "personal time" --
more of it, that is!  ~~  To you & yours, be safe. Be well.  ~Lee~

Thursday, August 7, 2014


  Well, due to budget constraints, for now my debut film Sun Red Sun is going to be a Short.  ~~  Plot summation: 60-ft. creature emerges from Lake Ontario at the foot of Woodbine Ave. in Toronto. The creature approaches an empty, idling TTC bus from the rear and attempts to devour it. Choking on diesel exhaust smoke, creature passes out.  Bold but foolhardy boys empty
their 'water cannons' (Super Soakers?) into creature's face. Creature revives (barely) and staggers back into the Great Lake. No person or animal is harmed, but a park bench is totally flattened. ~ The End. ~

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sat. evg. Aug 2 @ Wild Wing Beaches" was a GOOD ONE!

bONNIE eLVIS bAND'S SET WAS RIGHT ON, & "aUTOMATIC sLIM" (trio) was a nice plus. ~ See u NEXT sATURDAY(S)!  [dArn Caps/Lock/human error!]

Monday, July 7, 2014

Today we fly a tiny Piper Tri-Pacer over the Andes.

Pilot is a 29-yr.-old woman who's been "flying small aircraft since she was fourteen". ~ Our mechanic has just completed an engine repair using an adjustable wrench and a hammer. We're ready for takeoff!  ~~  Musical Event Saturday Aug. 2nd at Wild Wing, 2252 Queen St. E, should be a lot less risky than keeping "TeePee", as we call her, airborne.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

In 1963 a Minnesota group "The Trashmen" released a TERRIBLE-sounding record...

..."Surfin' Bird"/"Bird's The Word" but actually, The Trashmen were a quite decent band with fine vocal harmony: just listen to their "Bird Dance Beat" and their "non-Bird" recordings like "Roll Over, Beethoven" -- they're right on! ~ Yes, Virginia, their lead guitarist played a Fender Jaguar, like J. Mascis, Johnny Marr and Lee Van Leer!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The "longest day" cane and went.

I'm waiting, a mite impatiently, for SWIMMING WEATHER!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Space alien" serial killer tried in closed court.

 The alien, who calls himself "Oyo Fernandes" as his birth name is unpronounceable to humans, hails from "a rough district in Zeta Reticuli". The trial proceeds before a judge and a jury comprised of ten humans and two Zeta Reticulans.  ~~  I knew that some day it might come to this. ~
Trial details are being closely followed and reported on by KUKU-TV, Willow Springs, MO. ~ The attached picture shows a shape that Fernandes sometimes assumed to lure victims.

Friday, June 20, 2014

From along The Lincoln Highway, THE FAB GRABLINS!!

or did
we get that caption wrong?

Record deal signed?

  Today I signed an imaginary contract with an imaginary label named "Rart". I got what I asked4 -- 30 cents per unit sold. I guess we'll move a few hundred discs per year. Greater revenue will come from Downloads from CD Baby.  ~~  I used to date Del Casher's niece. During that time, Ray Butts gave me a detailed demo of his Ecco-Fonic. Can u say "tape hiss"? Next up:
"oil can delay".
U under-60s may not know what that is.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Van Leer-the-band's Sat., June 7th at Wild Wing, 2252 Queen St E. was a BIG SUCCESS!

At least 70 people came to Wild Wing 'Beaches', some loyal followers, + we made some NEW  fans and friends.  Venue mgmt. wants us back SATURDAY, JUNE 28th,  so keep watching here AND in the "white rectangle" for "specifics".

Wherezit?, why, 10 doors East of Beech Ave. (in the same block as the Fox Theatre.)
A very diverse menu, thank goodness! (Not just '50 flavours of chicken wings'.)  ~~  Washroom access? Basement, but friendly and courteous
servers Christina and Alissa assured me that my friend who's presently
using a "walker" will be assisted by one of them down and up the stairs. ~~
PARKING regulations and restrictions are as follows:
  The 2250 block of Queen E. (between Beech and Willow Aves.) is pay-to-park (the 'show your Receipt Tkt. on the dashboard' bit) EVEN on
Sats. 8 am to 9 pm, [Sundays 1 pm to 9 pm] ~ $2.25 per hour, 3 hour max.,
and I've been informed that parking is frequently monitored and RIGIDLY ENFORCED!! ~ Parking on Willow Ave. is by Permit only at all times, whereas
on Beech Ave. parking is 'open' until the 12:01 a.m midnight 'til 9:00 am
period. The streets running South of Queen (to the lake) I haven't chk'd, but
suspect a lot of "by Permit only"  ~~   NOW let's tell u of the
HAPPY STUFF: the musical Event details!  This was another Beaches Blues Fest and Danforth Music Festival "Spring Fling" so there were
 five fine Ontario bands offering blues, blues-rock and mid-60s-style
R & B , including original material. This is PARTY MUSIC!  ~~  While the advertised "start time" was 8 pm, there was even a band playing from 6:45 p.m. ~~
 Van Leer-the-band  took the stage starting at
 9:15 pm for a full eleven-song set, as promised.  ~~  BTW, on June 1st I
enjoyed a delicious! meal and courteous, personable service from server Christina, and on gig night , another delicious meal right after our performance.  ~~  Despite the logistical (parking) awkwardness and the fact that I had to set up on the 'wrong' side of the stage, I look forward
to playing Wild Wing 'Beaches' again (on Sat. June 28th.  ~~  Yours In Music,  Lee Van Leer.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Melange Restaurant, 172 Main St. @ Gerrard St E. is EVOLVING nicely.

New paint (waay more cheerful colour scheme!) ~~ Now open Sundays (at last!) ~~ Fridays a hot DJ spins a selection that includes plenty of NEW reggae -- definitely a party! ~~ LIVE music most weeknights and Saturdays.
Check Melange Restaurant's website and/or CALL  (416) 686-6485 after 6: p.m. for details/updates.
~~ I want to recommend the Thursday  Open Stage/Band Showcase hosted by Johnny Cox and R.C. Moon. Each time I've stopped in, it seems better than
the previous time -- good on ya, guys!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

This CAN'T be 4real. It MUST be horsecrap!

A lawyer retained by Lee Ann Vanskjodafrisk of Red Bull, Montana, U.S.A. has ordered me to Cease and Desist using the stage name "Lee Van Leer" on the grounds that she's been using the name since the year-2000 release of her debut CD "FELOPZD". NOTE: I've been using the stage name Lee Van Leer since late 1985 but my CD "Thumbs Up!" wasn't released 'til 2002.
  ~~~  OF COURSE this post is a fabrication. You're not going to believe this
post for even 15 seconds, are you?  ~~~  My counsel, Mr. Orrin Razorback, has advised Ms. Vanskjodafrisk that she should lie down at the base of a poplar tree and forget that she ever heard of me, and has faxed images of
"Lee Van Leer & The Nouns" posters dating back to 1987 to Ms. V.'s counsel.
~~~  Now how's THAT for an interesting little tale -- time well wasted?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Do u wanna hear a GREAT album?

Chk out Buckingham Nicks (full album) YouTube -- Sadly it was never released in No. America, but thanks to YT, we can hear it in its excellence!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

We welcome the Triple C!

Talkin' 'bout the Cuckoo Clox Clan, a non-racist, all faiths+ atheists welcome
li'l group interested in collecting and restoring mechanical (non-electric) clocks with wood cabinetry -- from the "Grandfather" models right down to the Mini Mantel (no relation to Mickey Mantle). ~~  2nd attached jpg shows the rear view of Don Leslie's Grand MOTHER clock. 1st jpg is inappropriate
and otter bee deleted (we're NOT delighted).
  For further info pls contact club Secretary Nadia Bozinoff at (818) 555-2155.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Time Well Wasted:

1) "Properly Silly" quoits variant:
The quoits thrown shall be toilet seats, 'full round', NOT open front.
Players using traditional WOODEN seats/quoits will rcv. one extra point for each successful throw. "Hob" or target (pole) shall be a parking meter and players must stand 21' from the Hob.
  Properly Silly  quoits shall be played at a time of day when NO CARS are parked at the nearest two hobs (parking meters).
  Scoring: encircle hob w/ quoit: 4 points.
                 "leaner": 3 points
                 closest to the hob: 1 point, ONLY if there are no encircles or
                 leaners during a round.
                 Having sexual intercourse (vaginal penetration) with an opposing
player's partner or companion: twenty points.
  Properly silly! Let's go play!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wao! Easter falling on 4/20!

Some of our friends r going 2B in an 'ALTERED STATE', no doubt.  ~~  I'll be straight and 'laid back'. I think I'll do a small laundry -- our laundry room will be deserted!  ~~  Mon. & Tues. Sherri & I will head for Undisclosed Location
where we expect to have mucho fun!!  ~~  Again, have a 'nicey' Easter, Passover or
Yes, we'll be near a body of water, but we'll have to dress a li'l warmer than in the attached photo, (alas).

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Happy Easter, friends, fans & followers! NEXT MULTI-BAND EVENT@ Melange will be..

SATURDAY, JUNE 7th, 2014 -- WELL WORTH WAITING FOR, and DESERVING OF THIS BOLD UPPER-CASE TEXT!!   ``   Start time 7:10 p.m.   ~~   Bonnie Elvis & Johnny Jensen on @ 8 p.m.   ~~  Van Leer-the-band take the stage @ NINE p.m.  for a full 50-minute  set.  ~~  Arrive early for beat seating.  ~~   Always good food!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

UPDATE! RE: live music @ Melange and more.

"Bonnie Elvis" & I  have !stopped! participating in Melange's Thurs. evg. Open Stage/band showcase, though that event continues, hosted by
Johnny Cox & Richard Moon. Start time is 9 - 9:15 p.m.
   <><>RADIO! in Canada<><>: Business Week mag has called CJRT-FM (a/k/a JazzFM) as "one of the best radio stations in the world": heavy praise!
  ~  Every Sat. nt. from 8 to midnight Danny Marks hosts/produces "BluzFM"
a most enjoyable show with a good variety of Blues, R&B and some "roots rock".  ~~  On March 29th from about 9:45 p.m.   Danny did a a li'l SHOWCASE
about "Lee Van Leer", airing THREE songs from Lee's new CD "Sawing Through Bone". ~ I e-mailed a BIG "thank you" to Danny for the airplay AND a good show in general.  ~~  Friends, fans and followers, please e-mail
 dmarks and ask him to play tracks from "Sawing Through Bone"
by Lee Van Leer -- you won't be disappointed!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Have you considered...

...that Flight 370 may have been abducted by a huge alien craft invisible to radar, and is now speeding towards planet N'heenyuh in the N'hnaen galaxy? ~ The drastic altitude changes of Flight 370 were its futile attempts
to escape the alien craft.
  That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bullets bounce off!

There's a TINY possibility that a new version of Trill will form, fronted by a female vocalist/rhythm guitarist. The original Trill disbanded Dec. 19th,
2008 after 3 years and four consecutive guitarists.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A BAND is evolving right B4 your eyes and ears.


Personnel: Bonnie Elvis, ld. vox and rhythm guitar
                   Lee Van Leer, organ, piano, ld. and b.u. vox
                   Johnny Jensen, ld. guitar, ld. and b.u. vox
                   Rob Ross, bass
                   several... drummers

Home: Melange 172 Main St. @ Gerrard St. E.
1 or 2 Saturdays per month.

Sorry, no pic yet. Just attend and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What's this??

Our town has a lake!
[Toronto has a bigger lake.]
I'm dating a cheerleader.
[Yeah, the dumbest one on the squad. Aargh!]

No doubt this will drag on.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Speaking of horses...

Today I learned that this is The Year Of The Horse, and the dream I just awoke from really takes d'cake! ~ I dreamed that my mom somehow wound up owning a a racehorse -- a stallion, no less, and we converted our wooden 1-car garage into a stable, The neighbors stared, but said nothing. My dreams, BTW, are quite vivid and in full color. Nice horsie, BTW, was brown with a darker mane and tail.

Saturday, January 11, 2014